2014 Unsecured Small Business Loans for Your Working Capital Needs

 Many businesses reach a point wherein getting funding for additional working capital is a must. This may be at the beginning of a business life cycle when all other capital is tied up in setting up the business, or sometime in the middle when you need additional capital to grow.

 Whenever the need arises, it’s important to know and understand where and how you can get 2014 unsecured small business loans. For small businesses, getting funding may be a challenge because of the nature of the lending process. Lenders usually look for collateral and require that you have stellar credit rating to back you up. Small businesses often have trouble meeting these two requirements, especially if you’re just starting out.

Advantages of an Unsecured Loan

This is precisely why unsecured small business loans are so valuable. With an unsecured loan, you don’t have to worry about proving your credit worthiness so much as when you were to take out a regular loan from a traditional lending company such as a bank. More importantly, you will not be restricted as to how you will use the cash. Unsecured small business loans give you the working capital that you need, with a lot of freedom and flexibility as to how you want to use this funding. This is very critical because for small business owners because many things could suddenly crop up and need funding.

Unrivaled Flexibility

When you have access to 2014 unsecured small business loans, you get ready cash and you get to use it for anything. Whether that’s to renovate your office space, upgrade your equipment, or consolidate the debt that’s eating up all your cash, you can use it as you see fit. You can even use it to increase your inventory or amp up your operations.

There are many ways you could maximize an unsecured small business loan, and you will not have any restrictions whatsoever. Moreover, if you choose your lender well, you will also have the flexibility of usage without hidden fees, hidden requirements, and all those other things that could tie you down with any other lending agreement.

Growing the Business

The most important thing you should think of when applying for a small business loan however is the fact that you can use it to grow your business. Many small business owners are hindered by short-term thinking, as well as by the mentality that they can only stay a certain size or earn a certain amount. You may be a ‘small’ business now, but if you use your working capital which you can get from 2014 unsecured small business loans to your advantage, you can invest in things that will position your business for future success.

Review your options at Neebo Capital and you’ll find out that there are many ways in which you can free up your working capital and invest in the things that matter. Give us a call, you just might be on your way to not only meet your working capital needs but also bring your business to the next level.

2014 Business Working Capital Lines

($5,000- $10,000,000)

Special Kinds Of Loans

Small businesses often have trouble meeting their cyclical and short-term working capital needs. Special types of loans can be used to finance small businesses during seasonal slumps and fluctuations, finance the immediate costs of doing certain kinds of construction, supply and service contracts, or purchase orders. There are a number of kinds of loans that small business owners can use to maintain the existence and growth of their small businesses.

Working Capital Lines


The working capital line is a revolving line of credit (and it can sometimes go up to millions of dollars) that offers short-term working capital for small businesses, and there are a number of financial institutions fluent in these types of loans. They are not exotic or unique. They are not difficult to comprehend. These kinds of loans ensure that wheels stay greased on small businesses – so that businesses can keep operating and growing. Businesses that typically use these lines offer credit to their customers or have possession of inventory as their biggest asset. Disbursements are often based on the sale of inventory or the size of a borrower’s accounts. Repayment then comes from the sales of inventory or the collection of accounts receivable. The actual structure will be negotiated with a lender. There may be additional monitoring and servicing of the collateral, and the lender may charge additional fees to the borrower.


Seasonal Line Of Credit Program


A seasonal line of credit program can help support the process of building up labor, materials, accounts receivable, or inventory beyond the normal usage for spikes or slumps, as in seasonal fluctuations. However, there might be some requirements for the business to get the loan, such as having a one-year history or being able to demonstrated a seasonal pattern. Usually, a financial institution will offer the kind of loan, and they will allow for other types of loans to co-exist.


Contract Loan Program


A contract loan program can finance the cost associated with most purchase orders, subcontracts, and contracts. Proceeds can often be disbursed prior to the work commencing. If it’s used for a single subcontract or contract when all the expenses have been incurred prior to the buyer paying, it usually will not revolve. If it’s used for more than one subcontract or contract, or for subcontracts or contracts where purchaser pays prior to all the work being done, the line of credit might revolve.


What kind of loan is right for your small business? Getting the work capital you need to grow and expand your business sometimes just can’t happen without working capital lines. If your business has had a successful history, and you have assets to use as collateral, it can be very easy to get a healthy working capital line. The problem is when small businesses don’t have many assets or a strong record of success. Those small business owners might find it more difficult to secure a working capital line.

Need a working capital line for your businesses? Click here to go to our lending site NeeboCapital.com