Purchase Order Finance and Accounts Receivable Financing

Have you ever considered Purchase Order Financing or Accounts Receivable Financing , also known as factoring invoices?

In contrast to Purchase Order Financing, Accounts Receivable Financing focuses on advancing a large portion of the invoice immediately after the product is delivered to the customer. Instead of waiting Net 30 to up to net 90 days to get paid, an accounts receivable financing company is able to reduce the wait to virtually net zero by advancing 70-90 percent of the invoice amount. After the full payment has been received from the customer the accounts receivable financing company will transfer the remaining portion of the invoice, minus their cost (typically one to three percent).


Get you Cash Fast!  As compared to the drawn out process of traditional financing, both Purchase Order Financing and Accounts Receivable Financing can be obtained in a matter of days, albeit Accounts Receivable financing can be faster than purchase order financing.

Credit Worthiness. Both methods focus on the credit worthiness of your client, not your balance sheet. Traditional lending look to your past history of managing your company’s finances and credit when deciding if a line of credit will be approved. Purchase Order Financing and Accounts Receivable Financing, on the other hand, will look to the future of your company and the creditworthiness of your clients.

These two funding strategies are  great for newer companies. Companies without a track record of at least 2-4 years,  you may  not have much of a shot at getting approved for business credit through a traditional lender. Since purchase order financing and accounts receivable financing companies put more weight on your clients creditworthiness, than on yours, young businesses are able to get the financing they need! Visit NeeBo Capital Today!