Purchase Order Finance for Maximum Flexibility

Purchase Order Financing ($500,000-$5 million)

Whether you have a large order to be produced in the U.S. or overseas, as long as the goods are pre-sold and the purchase order is non-cancellable, Neebo Capital can finance up to 100% of your cost. 

One of the realities that businesses normally face is the fact that cash runs out. For a business to operate properly, you need sufficient working capital that can cover all your operational expenses. But in a world of seasonal sales and unpredictable revenue, there are times when you really run out of funding. The sales will come much later, and you will need various sources of funding to support your operations in the mean time.

An example of this is when you have a larger than normal purchase order from a particular client, and you lack the cash flow to complete this order. Whether this is to buy raw materials, cover the manufacturing costs, or pay for the delivery, you will need to be very liquid. This is where purchase order finance comes in.

Who Benefits From Purchase Order Financing?

Purchase order financing enables all kinds of companies from various industries to have a bigger working capital, when needed. Those who will benefit from this type of arrangement consist mostly of product importers, exporters, resellers, distributors, wholesalers, manufacturers, jobbers, and other such companies that are required to deliver large purchase orders to clients. Sometimes, there are also seasonal changes in sales that make certain times of the year extra tight on the cash flow. For growing businesses that have little access to working capital and who need to focus this capital on other priorities like marketing or research and development, purchase order finance brings maximum flexibility.

The Advantage of Applying for Purchase Order Financing

Getting additional working capital is not all there is to purchase order financing. After all, when you need additional cash flow, there are many other options you can run to. But compared to other options like a bank line or a loan, purchase order financing gives you maximum flexibility.

Here are some of the advantages of turning to this financing method:

  • It’s a financial solution that increases your cash flow depending on how much you need, whether that’s $50,000 or even as high as $20,000,000.

  • At your convenience and when you need it the most, it removes the strain from your current working capital and frees it up for other more important priorities.

  • Whether your purchase order is domestic or international, you can get financing for 100% of what needs to be paid for, without having to wire money internationally or sell equity as a last resort.

  • You don’t have to get stressed about what collateral to offer banks, or adding more debt to your portfolio.

  • Your credit line will be granted based on the financial strength and credibility of the customers you are serving. This is different from loans and other financing methods wherein you constantly need to prove your credit worthiness.


Clearly, purchase order finance is a solution that’s out there for those who need their cash flow and working capital to be stretched, and it’s a solution that’s available for you when you need it.



Fast Purchase order financing | We offer Purchase order finance solutions

Fast purchase order finance solutions
Purchase order finance programs are perfect for companies where the growth is in excess of the working capital available, or where seasonal sales spikes put a damper on cash flow, or where funding from the sources you’ve traditionally gotten it from is not available.

Several companies offer purchase order finance. It’s a natural part of doing business. There are a lot of companies that fill the role. It’s a potent financial tool.


For example, a supplier might want you to pay COD, and your customer might not be able to pay you for another one to two months. Simultaneously, shipping, packaging, and labor costs have to bet met. Purchase order finance services exist to make those deals not just available, but profitable as well.


You might have a confirmed order from a creditworthy customer, but you might not have the cash to fulfill it. That’s where a purchase order finance company comes into place. With purchase order finance, a company can send an advance of to 80% of the total buying cost to the supplier.  They either pay the supplier, or they open up a credit line. You send the goods, and they send the invoice to the customer. They grab the invoice payment from the client, and pay the balance between the money paid to your supplier and the order value to you. They subtract any cost or fees of cash used, after the payment comes in.


Purchase order financing lets companies have a short-term solution for funding the inventory necessary to end sales transactions.


Purchase order finance programs are perfect for companies where the growth is in excess of the working capital available, or where seasonal sales spikes put a damper on cash flow, or where funding from the sources you’ve traditionally gotten it from is not available.


Targeted purchase order financing can help with a number of things like funding 100% of the inventory cost, solving cash flow problems, finding alternatives to risky advances, and obtaining transactional credit lines from $500,000 to $50,000,000, or greater.


Purchase order finance solutions are available to a number of different kinds of companies like manufacturers, assemblers, distributors, and importers. If you’re mulling over between different companies, try to choose one with a strong track record, work with companies who have requisite experience in a number of different industries and over a long period of time, and choose a company that knows your niche specialty best.


Purchase order finance companies that have provided financing to companies in a number of industries are going to be your best bet. If you’re not quite sure about companies to go with, choose the companies that are going to offer you the best chances of a sure deal with a bunch of experience in purchase order financing. That’s the only real way you can be sure that you’re going to be working with a company that truly knows what they’re doing. Check for a company with at least ten years of experience so you can be sure to get the security of financing that comes with a trustworthy, reliable company. If you’re unsure about the prospects of the company you’ve chosen, then investigate their rating with the BBB or third-party review companies. A lot of these companies are so big that they’re not going to have ratings on the BBB so look into B2B rating guides online instead.

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