Our Intern Manny asked me to write a blog explaining to you, business owners ‘how factoring can grow their business’ So I am doing just that. This article was created with you and Manny in mind.
To start I need to say the economic crisis of ’08 has impacted us all, in regards to cash flow payment terms have been getting longer. Customers that would once pay in thirty days are now demanding 45 days to pay.
Clients that once paid in forty five days are now demanding sixty – many even go so far as demanding seventy or eighty days to pay.
This creates a serious problem for a lot of smaller businesses since many are not able to manage to wait that long to get paid. And Because of this, many businesses are forced to turn away these clients, or turn away new opportunities to generate business. For many, this makes a bad situation more shocking.
As a business owner you need to understand you do have options to combat these problems. Neebo capital.com have over 40 different lending options and we lend anywhere from $5k to $10 million revolving. However in this situation your best option would be factoring invoices.
Factoring invoices speeds up your income through a factoring company like Neebo capital.com and reduces you having to wait until 90 days to get paid by customers. Our factoring company gives up to 90% your invoices upfront, and the remaining 10% when the invoice is paid, minus a small fee (typically around .59 – 1.5%). as soon as your customer pays the invoice we give toy the remaining 10%
To make this process work effectively, you approve the transaction with us neebo capital.com, the factoring company before hand, after which you make the sales to your customer.
As soon as you carry out the work, you can invoice your customer and hand over the invoice to us, the factoring company. This would provide you with the immediate advance while Neebo Capital.com holds the remaining 10% of the invoice until it is repaid. Ideally by using this process repeatedly you grow your business by taking on new clients that you could not have afforded previously.
Being approved for factoring is more or less easy – at least in comparison to other forms of business financing methods. Take the time to fill out our short for on Neebocapital.com for a instant quote. There is no obligation.