Believe it or not Factoring Invoices is older than the last 5 presidents combined! If you still can not define factoring then you are most likely a business who is not using it as leverage. Almost all fortune 500 companies’ factor invoices to better manage their cash flow. Neebo Capital is one of the top picks for US Fortune 500 companies.
Factoring def goes like this…
The arrival of the well-known business practice of factoring invoices began since the inception of commerce that dates back 5,000 years. The earliest recorded factoring transaction of invoices was dated sometime before the revolution in the US when cotton, animal furs, timber and other materials were shipped from the colonies to Europe’s continent.
This was a way for ship sailors to carry on the harvest in their new land, where merchants awaited to loan their finances to the colonists. We also see factoring def of invoices throughout the Industrial Revolution when factoring became more focused on credit when they assisted clients in determining the creditworthiness with their customers and setting credit limits.
The method of factoring invoices has been greatly approved over the years. We now have the ability to give instant quotes to potential factorees and loan then cash for their receivables within hours. Visit Neebo Capital and get an instant quote with rates as low as .59%.
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